First Lady of South Korea Visits President Lincoln’s Cottage

Director Frank Milligan discusses Lincoln
By George Rogers

Kim Yun-ok, wife of South Korean President Lee Myung-bak visited President Lincoln’s Cottage today. Director Frank Milligan led the First Lady on a tour of the Cottage, ending with a photo opportunity on the veranda overlooking the south lawn. After touring the Cottage, Curator Erin Mast led the First Lady and her guests through the special exhibit, “In Pursuit of Emancipation” to show them a rare, signed copy of the Emancipation Proclamation, one of 13 copies of the 13th Amendment, and the pen Lincoln used to sign the Proclamation.

Director Frank Milligan discusses Lincoln's time at the Cottage with First Lady Kim Yun-ok.

Curator Erin Mast discuss a rare copy of the Emancipation Proclamation signed by Lincoln with the First Lady of Korea Kim Yun-ok, and Director Frank Milligan.

The Korean President and his wife are in Washington DC as part of a four-day official visit to the United States. After touring President Lincoln’s this afternoon, Cottage Kim Yun-ok will accompany her husband to Camp David this evening.

First Lady of Korea, Kim Yun-ok, poses with her guests and site staff on the veranda at President Lincoln's Cottage.

Mr. Rogers is Director of Development at President Lincoln’s Cottage.
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