First Lady Laura Bush Visits President Lincoln's Cottage

Mr. Moe, Mrs. Bush, and Dr. Milligan on the veranda at President Lincoln
By Erin Carlson Mast

Mr. Moe, Mrs. Bush, and Dr. Milligan on the veranda at President Lincoln's Cottage.First Lady Laura Bush toured President Lincoln’s Cottage this morning as part of a special event honoring donors to the restoration project.  Following the tour, Mrs. Bush spoke to the guests.  She related the challenges that Presidents and their families have faced throughout history, and in particular the difficult decisions that faced the Lincolns in the name of preserving the union. The First Lady thanked those who have supported the project and worked toward completing the preservation and interpretation of the Cottage, commenting, “The result is a living landmark that proves that historic preservation isn’t all about old museums that store dust-covered artifacts, but instead it’s about helping people see beyond the pages of a history book, about taking young explorers on an educational odyssey so they can travel back in time and really feel like they’ve participated in history themselves.”

Mrs. Bush is honorary chair of Preserve America and the Save America’s Treasures, which offers grants for historic preservation. President Lincoln’s Cottage is designated a Save America’s Treasures project.

Director Frank Milligan, First lady Laura Bush, and National Trust President Richard Moe stand next to a reproduction of the desk that was in the Cottage when the Lincolns lived there. The original desk is at the White House.

Mrs. Bush and Director Frank Milligan discuss Lincoln's love of literature in the library at President Lincoln's Cottage.

Ms. Erin Mast is the curator at President Lincoln’sCottage.
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