Back by popular demand, and drawing inspiration from Abraham Lincoln’s legendary humor and self-deprecation, President Lincoln’s Cottage and The DC Improv are again partnering to present Two Faces Comedy, the first comedy series to transform Lincoln’s living room into a comedy den – now outdoors in the front yard! Each show is meant to be inspired by some aspect, silly or serious, of Lincoln’s legacy or the history of the cottage.

This will be a series of comedy nights: Wednesday, September 22nd, Tuesday, October 19th, and a forthcoming date in November. All shows begin at 7:30pm.

Tickets here.


For this show, we’re honoring one of the reasons the Lincolns came to live at the Cottage. In the wake of their son’s death, it might have felt like there was nothing to make jokes about – but these comedians have found bits of humor in their own losses. This show features performers with material about grief and loss – alongside their other jokes!

 Two Faces Comedy Series at President Lincoln's Cottage image

Sandi Benton is a Washington, DC-based comic from Atlanta. Her whimsical, high-pitched comedy touches on everything from ponies to prison. She has performed all over the East Coast.

Glen Tickle is a comedian and the founder of Circus Trapeze Records and Jerk! The Magazine. He has multiple specials including “Good Grief: A Comedy About Loss and Being Bad At It,” an hour of comedy about the death of his younger brother.

Winston Hodges is from DC by way of Richmond, Virginia. He has worked comedy clubs up and down the east coast and is known for his southern charm and edgy wit. His debut album will be released in October 2021 by Helium Comedy Records, and his award winning comedy special “Grieving Productively” is available for free on YouTube. He is the host of the podcasts “Host Battle” and “Dead Dad Comedy Pod.” He has performed in the Asheville Comedy Festival and New York Underground Comedy Fest. Come listen to Winston cover all the things we think about but are scared to say.

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Safety & General Information

This comedy series is recommended for adult audiences. The views expressed by the performers do not necessarily reflect those of President Lincoln’s Cottage.


The entire program will take place outside on the grounds of President Lincoln’s Cottage. When possible staff and visitors will maintain 6-feet of social distancing to reduce the risk of COVID-19 exposure.

Mask Policy

Visitors three years and older are required to wear face masks on the grounds, including outside and inside buildings. Security at the gate will ask to see your masks before allowing you to enter the grounds.

Armed Forces Retirement Home

President Lincoln’s Cottage is on the grounds of the Armed Forces Retirement Home. Security for the Armed Forces Retirement Home requires visitors to show valid identification at the security gate in order to enter the property.  Please be prepared to show your ID.

Exploring beyond the boundaries of President Lincoln’s Cottage is not permitted and results in trespassing on federal property.


Please note that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. Choosing to visit President Lincoln’s Cottage, you voluntarily assume all risks related to COVID-19 exposure. By completing this transaction, you agree to wear a mask at all times, maintain social distancing, and observe all posted guidelines. More information and details about our safety guidelines are available on our website.

All events are considered public events for the purpose of photography and video.


Contact President Lincoln’s Cottage with any questions at 202-829-0436 or [email protected].