6PM – 8PM
Cry N’ Vibe, hosted by Crying in D.C., is an event for people across the District to connect through shared experiences of emotional release and healing. Too many times we are shamed for allowing ourselves to be vulnerable through crying, whether it’s for good things, bad things, and everything in between. Cry n’ Vibe celebrates crying in all forms, while also providing a safe space to allow everyone to feel validated, supported, and rejuvenated.
In short, we’re making crying a vibe!
This month’s Cry n’ Vibe theme will explore grief and the profound loss from the COVID-19 pandemic, while allowing ourselves to feel everything we have held back since the pandemic started. We will also give guests the opportunity to explore the grief exhibit at President Lincoln’s Cottage in addition to sharing and enjoying community with the D.C. Criers.
Tickets HERE